
Reg Christie Part Three

The notorious British serial killer, Reg Christie had been known to kill at least five women by the time he came to his deadliest year – 1953. In this episode, we take a look at the 46 days in which his final murders take place, his eventual downfall and the consequences of this case. 

When I murdered my wife I removed the one obstacle which for ten years had apparently held me in check. After she had gone the way was clear for me to fulfil my destiny.

John Reginald Christie


Reg Christie Part Two

In the second episode special on Reg Christie we take a centre on his next three victims, including his most known that ultimately led to one of the most significant miscarriages of justice the UK has witnessed.

The sixth commandment – ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ – fascinated me . . . I always knew that some day I should defy it.

John Reginald Christie


Reg Christie Part One

With an IQ of 128, Reg Christie was an intelligent man but an awful criminal. His need for thrill led him down a path of petty crime but when that didn’t suffice anymore, he decided he would kill.

In the first of three episodes, we take a look at the man, from childhood through to his first two known victims.

For me a corpse has a beauty and dignity which a living body could never hold . . . there is a peace about death that soothes me.

John Reginald Christie